Acupuncture Treatment for Pain Management in Brentwood

Wellness To Be provides the finest holistic approach to health and wellness with our premium quality acupuncture services—Acupuncture for pain management, stress, anxiety, illness, etc.—in the Los Angeles area. These areas include Beverly Hills, Westwood and Brentwood. We strive to provide our patients with the best of both worlds by bridging the gap of Eastern and Western medicine. Our exceptional acupuncture treatments heal the body of current ailments and act as a preventative treatment to promote overall health and well-being. Acupuncture, like most Chinese Medicine, helps treat illnesses but also prevents common sicknesses. Wellness To Be’s excellent acupuncture services will promote overall health and wellness in addition to a strong mind, body and spiritual psyche.
Highly Effective Acupuncture for Stress and Illness
Acupuncture is the Ancient Chinese method of healing the body and increasing natural energy flow through the careful insertion of thin needles. This five-thousand-year-old practice expands on the belief that individuals embody a life force and energy known as “qi” or “chi.” The body is categorized by 14 different interconnecting lines known as “meridians.” Focusing on locations where the meridians begin to surface or intercept, helps to release tension triggering deep relaxation.
Our team of highly qualified and compassionate California State Licensed Acupuncturists treat each patient and each ailment on an individual basis. On average, acupuncture treatments last between twenty minutes to one hour in length and are personalized to patients’ suggested regime. Sessions may include herbal medicines, relaxing music and the use of acupuncture needles to address certain conditions. For excellent acupuncture treatment, please contact Wellness To Be to schedule an appointment.
When energy fails to flow naturally, people may experience a wide array of problems that may be resolved with a series of continuous healing acupuncture treatments.
Acupuncture May Help to Treat or Alleviate:
General pain
Back or neck pain
Stress and tension
Irritable bowel syndrome
Digestive disorders (constipation, Crohn’s disease, etc.)
Headaches and severe migraines
Sinus infections (or other allergy-related issues)
Encourage weight loss
Thyroid imbalances
Cold and Flu